Sunday, 4 September 2016

Steven Cavellier | 10 Antioxidants Rich Fruits that Heals your Body

10 Antioxidants Rich Fruits
The human body, an uninterrupted working machine. Our modern lifestyle has changed the ancient way of living. Earlier lifestyle was simple, free from stress, had adulteration free food, all contributed towards a healthy and long life. Today's scenario is different, technology made our life easier, however the adverse effect of modernization of our society can be clearly seen. Nothing is natural in our environment now, contaminated water & food, polluted air, unhealthy lifestyle has made our life more prone to diseases. Increasing rate of various diseases has decreased the quality of life we are living. We can't change the reasons, but a minor change of our lifestyle can save us from many ailments.

Nature has blessed us in many ways to give natural protection to our body. Natural fruits and vegetables have abundant nutrients to create a shield against infections. Let's talk about a vital component "Antioxidants" essential for perfect health. Antioxidants are the first layer of protection which our body ,induces to check the free radicals in your body. Free radicals can steal electrons from other incautious nearby cells, Antioxidants donate electrons to free radical in order to prevent the damage to other cells. Free radicals can severely disturb your DNA base and can lead to 60 adverse diseases including Cancer, Cataracts, Alzheimer's disease and Atherosclerosis. So it's necessary to give adequate protection to free radicals and here comes Antioxidants who sacrifice their electrons to stable free radicals without turning themselves to free radicals. I hope you get the fair idea about how important is to include antioxidant rich food into our diet. One more interesting fact about antioxidant is, they are responsible for keeping you young by slow down the aging process. So if you want to have healthy skin and stay young, don't forget to have adequate antioxidants.

Steven Cavellier an American lawyer specialized in health education has shared 10 most antioxidants rich fruits which can boost your capacity to manage free radicals in your body.

  • Prunes: Black plums have highest antioxidants and its dry version Prunes is loaded with antioxidants,which help to fight many diseases.
  • Blueberries: Blueberries are power packed with many nutrients and antioxidants which boost your immune system. Phytochemicals present in Blueberries fight with cancer and heart diseases
  • Raisins: Purple, Red, and blue grapes are rich in antioxidants. Similarly, Red grapes are a good source of vitamin C and Selenium.

  • Blackberries: Blackberries have lots of antioxidants however Polyols found in blackberries are responsible for abdominal issues.
  • Strawberries: Strawberries can be found easily and antioxidants present in it, fight with diseases to strength the immune system.
  • Cherries: Rich in vitamin C, cherries acts like your anti-aging fruit. Melatonin found in cherries which slows down the aging process. It prevents wrinkling and treats sunburned skin too. Women would love to add this natural anti-aging fruit to your daily diet.
  • Oranges: Oranges full packed with antioxidants compound beta-Cryptoxanthin helps in preventing arthritis. Mango, watermelon, and peaches also do the same for you. Don't forget to add in your fruit basket.Other than fruits, many vegetables have antioxidants.
  • Spinach: The easily available vegetable is fully loaded with carotenoids which strengthen the healthy eyes and lower the chance of loss of sight in older people.
  • Onions: Commonly found in our vegetable basket, Onions are rich in phytochemicals that protect us against cancer. It's better to eat raw onion instead of cooking on high flame which results from its loss of antioxidants.
  • Broccoli Flowers: Cancer-fighting vegetable who possess the high amount of antioxidants.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle by adding above suggested antioxidants rich fruits & vegetables by Steven Cavellier in your diet. Stay healthy, Stay Fit


  1. Hey Steven
    Thanks for sharing These posts. Your posts help me a lot to stay healthy.

  2. Amazing Blog from the health point of view.

  3. Very Helpful Blog.Keep it up Steven.

  4. Hello Steven

    You are doing a great job. Keep it up!

